GTT obtient une commande du chantier naval HJ Shipbuilding & Construction pour la conception des réservoirs de deux nouveaux porte-conteneurs propulsés au gaz naturel liquéfié


Paris – July 7th, 2022. GTT has been chosen, at the end of June, by its partner the Korean shipyard HJ Shipbuilding & Construction (formerly Hanjin Heavy Industries & Construction, LTD) to design the cryogenic fuel tanks of two new liquefied natural gas (LNG) fueled container vessels, on behalf on a European ship-owner.

These vessels, each capable of carrying 7,700 containers, will be equipped with a LNG fuel tank with a capacity of 6,100m3. Each LNG fuel tank will be fitted with the Mark III membrane containment technology.

Deliveries of the vessels are scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024

Mr. Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, declared:  "We look forward to working with our long-time partner HJ Shipbuilding & Construction again. With this new order, the total number of container ships equipped, or under construction, with GTT technology amounts to 76 vessels, confirming the attractiveness of our cutting-edge technological solutions for LNG used as fuel."

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Investor Relations contact: information-financiere@gtt.frmailto: / + 33 (0)1 30 23 20 87

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